April 6, 2024
Today´s Paper

Mayor Diego Castañón Elevates Mobility with Mototaxi Initiative in the community of Francisco Uh May

TULUM, México – Tulum’s Municipal President, Diego Castañón Trejo, inaugurated an exclusive space for mototaxis affiliated with the Unique Federation of Independent Workers and Peasants Syndicates of Quintana Roo, in the community of Francisco Uh May.

As he unveiled this new site, Mayor Diego Castañón emphasized that the current administration is actively contributing to the productive sectors of the local communities.

“This space brings great benefits to many. Mobility is of utmost importance to the citizens, and though we start with 50 mototaxis, my hope is that the number will grow to 200, providing honorable employment opportunities. Let them know that our support will continue. Together with the delegate, we will work hand in hand for the betterment of the people of Francisco Uh May,” he stated, marking the opening that both operators and users can now enjoy.

Mayor Diego Castañón Elevates Mobility with Mototaxi Initiative in the community of Francisco Uh May

The mayor reiterated the commitment to unity, transparency, and order within his government, with Francisco Uh May being one of the significant communities in Tulum. “Rest assured, we will listen to your concerns and address them,” he assured, also announcing a follow-up visit the coming week.

In turn, Francisco Nahuat Chimal, leader of the Unique Federation of Independent Workers and Peasants Syndicates of Quintana Roo, expressed gratitude to the mayor for his unwavering support, highlighting the community’s contentment.

Mayor Diego Castañón Elevates Mobility with Mototaxi Initiative in the community of Francisco Uh May

“On behalf of the community, we deeply appreciate your visit and assistance,” he conveyed.

The ribbon-cutting ceremony was attended by the Deputy Silvia Dzul Sánchez and members of the mototaxi public transport, who joined the mayor for this momentous occasion.


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