April 6, 2024
Today´s Paper

Jaguar Park’s Southern Gateway: Construction Progress Escalates in Tulum

Roman Meyer Falcon, the Secretary of Agrarian, Territorial, and Urban Development (Sedatu), recently provided an update on the remarkable progress being made in the development of the Jaguar Park project in the enchanting town of Tulum. This ambitious endeavor includes the construction of a highly anticipated southern access route, which aims to enhance connectivity and facilitate visitor access to the park.

During his visit to the state, Mr. Meyer Falcon offered insightful details regarding the features and amenities that will be available along the southern access route. Notably, the route will encompass an array of facilities designed to cater to the needs of park visitors. These facilities will include an expansive area for various services, such as restrooms, parking facilities, and information centers to provide visitors with valuable insights and guidance.

Jaguar Park's Southern Gateway: Construction Progress Escalates in Tulum

Catering to the increasing popularity of cycling and eco-friendly modes of transportation, the southern access route will also boast a dedicated bicycle parking area. This facility is expected to encourage sustainable mobility options, enabling visitors to explore the park’s wonders while minimizing their ecological footprint.

Furthermore, the access route will feature a spacious forum that can serve as a versatile venue for gatherings, presentations, and cultural events. The forum will provide an inviting space where visitors can engage in educational activities, attend captivating talks, and immerse themselves in the rich cultural heritage of the region.

Jaguar Park's Southern Gateway: Construction Progress Escalates in Tulum

To cater to the needs of both visitors and locals, the southern access route will also house a selection of commercial establishments. These thoughtfully curated local businesses will offer an array of services, including food and beverage options, souvenir shops, and artisanal crafts. This vibrant commercial area will not only contribute to the convenience and enjoyment of visitors but also support the local economy and foster a sense of community within the park.

One of the key highlights of the Jaguar Park project is the revitalization of a historic lighthouse. This iconic structure will be carefully restored to its former glory and will serve as a central hub for visitor services and information. The rehabilitated lighthouse will offer panoramic views of the park and its surroundings from a dedicated viewing platform, providing a breathtaking vantage point for visitors to appreciate the natural beauty of the area.

Jaguar Park's Southern Gateway: Construction Progress Escalates in Tulum

In addition to its functional aspects, the southern access route of the Jaguar Park project has been designed with the utmost consideration for the preservation and conservation of the archaeological zone within the park. Recognizing the importance of protecting the historical significance of the area, the National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH) will establish a representative office within the project. This presence will ensure that the archaeological site is carefully managed and safeguarded for future generations to explore and appreciate.

The establishment of the southern access route and the accompanying amenities in the Jaguar Park project mark a significant step towards creating a sustainable and inclusive tourism experience in Tulum. By seamlessly integrating infrastructure, services, and environmental preservation, this endeavor aims to provide visitors with an unforgettable journey through the wonders of the park while promoting responsible tourism practices.

Jaguar Park's Southern Gateway: Construction Progress Escalates in Tulum

As the development of Jaguar Park progresses, the Sedatu and its partners eagerly invite support and collaboration from individuals and organizations passionate about preserving cultural heritage and promoting sustainable tourism.


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