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Tulum Hotel Employees Learn Child Protection

TULUM, México – In a resolute stride towards safeguarding the innocence of the younger generation, Tulum’s municipal authorities have announced an upcoming sensitization course slated for August 10th. This visionary initiative falls under the umbrella of the National Code of Conduct for the Protection of Children and Adolescents in the Travel and Tourism Sector.

Maribel Cruz Rodríguez, a stalwart in the realms of gender advocacy and promotional strategies, has illuminated the essence of this imminent online course. With a targeted audience encompassing the hospitality and tourism service providers, the course aims to intricately guide and galvanize the tourism industry’s commitment to preventing, detecting, and fervently denouncing the exploitation – both sexual and labor-related – of minors.

A brainchild of the federal Ministry of Tourism, this comprehensive program has been meticulously designed to empower the tourism industry with indispensable knowledge and attestation. At its core, the National Code of Conduct steers the industry towards vigilant prevention and relentless denunciation of all criminal activities aimed at compromising the innocence of the younger generation.

Tulum leads in child protection with innovative training for tourism sector. Pioneering National Code of Conduct for a brighter, safer future.

Cruz Rodríguez emphasized the voluntary nature of this commitment undertaken by tourism industry stakeholders, spanning the spectrum from esteemed hotels to quaint restaurants, rejuvenating spas, steadfast travel agencies, and even the diligent cabbies navigating the tourist thoroughfares. The overarching purpose remains steadfast: an unwavering defense of the rights of girls, boys, and adolescents against any form of exploitative malevolence.

The certification process for this commendable endeavor entails adherence to six meticulous guidelines. Cruz Rodríguez expressed a fervent hope that a multitude of sectors will eagerly join this pioneering program, recognizing that an informed and actively engaged community yields the most efficacious results. As she eloquently put it, “The more we acquaint ourselves with the tenets of this initiative and ardently participate, the more profound our impact becomes.”

Tulum leads in child protection with innovative training for tourism sector. Pioneering National Code of Conduct for a brighter, safer future.

She further articulated, “Our focal objective extends beyond mere awareness dissemination. We strive to arm our participants with the tools necessary to facilitate seamless coordination and open channels of communication between governmental bodies and the conscientious representatives of civil society. A meticulously charted action protocol lies at the heart of this endeavor. In fact, our office has already devised an array of compelling flyers, primed to propagate the noble cause. Within these carefully crafted materials, pertinent phone numbers and contact details for reporting emergencies or suspicious cases of this nature are unambiguously provided.”

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